Hunt Slonem: The Neo-Expressionist who Paints Rabbits and Exotic Birds

16 agosto, 2023
Hunt Slonem

Hunt Slonem is renowned for his famous wall of rabbits and extensive collection of exotic birds. His extravagance has allowed him to become a recognized contemporary artist across the globe.

He is acknowledged as a neo-expressionist artist, but what is neo-expressionism? And who is this painter behind one of the most recognized contemporary artworks in the art scene? In this article, we will answer these questions and tell you where you can acquire his most emblematic work: the rabbits.

What is Neo-Expressionism?

Neo-expressionism is an artistic movement that emerged in the 1970s and reached its peak in the 1980s. It is characterized by a return to expressive and emotive forms in art, drawing on elements from German expressionism of the 20th century but reinterpreted in a more contemporary way.

Within Hunt Slonem‘s work, we can find some of the most emblematic characteristics of this avant-garde, which is why he is considered a part of it. These characteristics include the following:

Strong emphasis on emotional expression and subjectivity

Undoubtedly, Slonem paints from an intimate and subjective perspective. The brushstrokes that form the objects are not intended to be iconic representations but rather to express his creativity and perspective on the canvas.

Bold use of color and brushstroke

Perhaps the most distinctive feature of Slonem’s work is his use of color and brushstrokes. This artist is unafraid to use vibrant and contrasting colors, and he energetically wields the brush, creating gestural strokes that are uniquely his own. Once you become familiar with Slonem’s work, it is easy to identify his distinctive brushstrokes.

How to Appreciate Hunt Slonem‘s Art?

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to appreciating an artist’s work. Below, we share some steps that will be useful in understanding and appreciating the work of artists like Hunt Slonem.

Know who Hunt Slonem is?

Before approaching any artist’s works, it is essential to get to know them. In the case of Slonem, he is an American artist born in 1951. He is recognized for capturing nature, especially butterflies, rabbits, and tropical birds inspired by his aviary housing over 100 species of birds. Knowing a bit about the artist’s biography always helps understand the intentions behind their work. For example, in Slonem’s case, it is revealing that birds are a fundamental part of his work, as living with so many species constantly inspire him.

Visit exhibitions or galleries

It is essential to see an artist’s work in person and in full color to appreciate it fully. You can find Slonem’s works at Aura Galerías. Enjoying a work of art in person allows you to observe the details, textures, and colors more vividly. Once you see Slonem’s art in a gallery or museum, you can become aware of his use of colors, and it is always a unique experience to see the exact shades he employed.

Observe closely

Take your time to observe each detail carefully when you have one of Slonem’s works in front of you. Examine the brushstrokes, the composition, pay attention to patterns, and perspective. This will guide you in understanding Slonem’s unique style a little better.

Connect with emotions:

During your observation time, connect with your emotions. What do the brushstrokes convey to you? Do the colors evoke unique feelings? Take this time to reflect on the emotions that these neo-expressionist paintings evoke in you.

Read reviews and artist analyses

One easy way to assimilate the experience you had is by reading texts about Hunt Slonem‘s work. Reviews by art critics are often revealing. They not only show the context of the artwork but also provide a master class on the symbols and meanings behind them.

Where to Acquire Slonem’s Rabbits?

At Aura Galerías, one of the best art galleries in Mexico, we have various works by the great Slonem, including his emblematic rabbits. We invite you to visit our website, where you will find all the pieces we have by this great artist.

You can also visit us at either of our three locations: Mexico City, San José del Cabo and Guatemala to experience the vibrancy of Slonem’s colors in person. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on our latest news. For more information, email us at
